After taking the ideology quiz, I found out that I fall into the Critical Youth Development Ideology. The quiz helped me realized that I prefer youth and youth worker to work together to
improve youth and to get them engaged in the planning process. It gives youth the strength to do better and know that they have
a voice in the community. Additionally, they have interesting ideas that would
be useful to youth works when youth workers are creating goals. Working with youth also helps youth workers better understand youth from their perspective rather than assuming what they
like or how they learn best.
My values are more towards being positive and engaging youth critically. I believe that once there is positive relationship and working in the Critical Youth Development, it would be easy for youth to
open up and share ideas.
Me too!!! I never saw myself as a critical youth development but that is where i fall. And i agree with you, its important for youth to learn how to take action and advocate for themselves and what they believe in.