The two YDEV anchors I am going to explain are Care and Purposeful Play. These two YDEV anchors stand out to me the most among the others. I am not trying to say that the other anchors such as Leading With, Social Justice, and Community do not stand out, however, they do serve an importance in the community and in youth and youth workers lives.
Based on what I have learned from Victoria Restler's article "Mapping Interconnected Care", care can be given in variety of ways depending on the youth workers, teachers, and facilitators and the need of the youth. Care is very important in the lives of youth when interacting directly with a younger generation. The way in which youth receives care creates a trustworthy environment or a discomfort environment. Looking out for someone in the simplest form without judgement and seeing beyond what others do not see also creates a loving environment. A community without care does not encourage empowerment; whether in the community or oneself. Hence, Care is the key to learning, loving environment, and acceptance of others. One of the few ways in which care could be given is by creating a platform that will encourage youth to speak out for themselves or simply by creating a positive environment. Overall, I believe that care is the root of all YDEV anchors. Some may disagree with care being the root, but that is exactly how I perceive care.

Purposeful Play
Just as much as Care is vital in a youth space, Purposeful Play is another anchor that creates meaning in plays and activities. Purposeful Play does not only create meaning but has value in whatever activity that is being learned. As I stated earlier concerning care being the root of all YDEV anchors, Purposeful Play won't be as effective without respecting our surrounding and those that are in the space. Value will not be learnt if the facilitator and participants do not care about what is happening within the space.
These two anchors have been the main anchors that we (YDEV) have been living by. They do not just stand alone as anchors but can be seen in the other three (3) anchors as well.

Angie- I enjoyed reading your blog. I agree with alot of what you said. Purposeful play is an important part of what we do and who we are.